grayscale photo of cars on road

Spanish truckers to strike for earlier retirement

Spanish truckers are to stage a series of strikes to demand earlier retirement. Truck drivers will walk out on October 28, November 11, November 28, November 29, December 5, December 9, and will begin an indefinite strike on December 23 if their demands are not met, representatives of the country’s two main unions, the CCOO and UGT, said. They are calling for drivers’ employment conditions including the retirement age, which is currently 67, and the right to partial retirement to be improved and adjusted so as to be in line with other categories of workers who must contend with similar kinds of risks. “Age is a determining factor in motor skills, sensory and cognitive loss and constitutes a risk not only for the worker but also for the rest of the people,” explained Diego Buenestado, UGT’s secretary for road and urban transportation.

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